Tróia Pilot Site Summary

StormAdmin News

Tróia Pilot Site Meeting was a huge success with almost 50 attendees, from the different organizations and countries listed in the project, Italy, United Kingdom, Turkey, Greece and also Germany (ex. University of Stuttgart), with a strong representation of the Portuguese partners, since it was held in Portugal. Besides all the partners, technical and pilot sites, there was also stakeholders engagement, especially from Turkey and Portugal.

November 15th Silvia Boi already made a blog entry called Tróia Pilot Site Action List and more to specify some of the topics discussed at the Tróia Pilot Site Meeting, namely, the working groups and the responsibles for the next actions to be performed by the STORM project for the first submission deadlines.

To what concerns the pilot site activities, after the visit to the archaeological site and acknowledge of the pilot site specifications, it was filled in the requirements with the definition of four situations to be monitored (see table below).

We thank the collaboration of all the partners in the Tróia meeting agenda and we wish a fruitful discussion at Mellor Heritage Project (Manchester, UK), where it will be held the next Pilot Site Meeting.

Silvia Boi (Engineering – Project Coordinator)

Silvia Boi (Engineering – Project Coordinator) at the well in the courtyard of Workshop 1.

Conference room

Leaving Tróia

Leaving Tróia