STORM Project

3rd STORM Stakeholders meeting – Lisbon – Museu de Etnologia

3rd STORM Stakeholders meeting – Lisbon – Museu de Etnologia

Ten Portuguese Stakeholders met in Lisbon on October 30th 2017 for the STORM third stakeholders meeting.

The STORM team started the discussion with stakeholders around two issues:

Addressing an Emergency (for authorities and sites)

When an emergency occurs caused by a sudden hazard, what will be your role in the two phases we included in the “Quick Assessment” situation.

How you plan to react to natural disasters in terms of:

Securing phase (only emergency forces allowed to enter the red zone): it is important for the project to understand the decision tree operating during the disaster, when the traditional governance is suspended. We would like to know who is coordinating the intervention at crater level, who is coordinating at site level and who is providing the necessary resources to act.

First aid phase (professional are performing the first aid actions): when the red zone is going to be open and the traditional governance suspension is ended; how the first aid is managed in terms of priorities of intervention and mechanisms to engage professionals

Please explain also if simulation are planned at site level and if “preparedness”, is planned and considered as a priority; in this case what is the procurement process and how preparedness actions/materials are selected.

Mitigation services and actions (for business actors)

Being an entity who should make business out of its services/products, how you consider your organisation could participate in the process:

Participating to the first aid phase providing services or materials;

Providing materials, training, services in the preparedness phase,

Supplying services and materials for the prevention and/or for the full recovery.

If you have experience in the field of emergency or slow damage recovery, could you explain briefly how the procurement process is running. It is important to us to better know criteria adopted for services selection more than administrative issues.

The stakeholder engagement proposal:

Stakeholders participating the meeting:

Parques de Sintra-Monte da Lua S.A. (PSML) has the responsibility to manage the most important natural and cultural values located in the area of the Cultural Landscape of Sintra and in Queluz.

The Côa Valley Archaeological Park. The goal of the entire complex of the Côa Valley Archaeological Park is to provide its visitors with a singular version of a unique and striking space in the History of human artistic and social evolution.

Santa Casa de Misericórdia, a Portuguese charity founded in Lisbon in 1498 by Queen Leonor of Portugal. It declares itself to be a Catholic lay brotherhood. It is currently the oldest working NGO in the world, if not the first. It isn’t supervised by the Church or the State. It is managing museums and art sites.

Miróbriga (Mirobriga Celticorum) is an ancient Roman town located near the village and civil parish of Santiago do Cacém, in the municipality of the same name in the south-west of Portugal. Archeology revealed a that the town occupied the site of an ancient Iron Age settlement that existed since the 9th century B.C.

Centro de Arqueologia de Lisboa, inaugurated on June 3, 2013, the Lisbon Archaeological Center is a new multi-purpose and multi-disciplinary municipal cultural asset, which is the operational headquarters of the legal authority of the municipality in archeology. Its main objective is to give a strong impulse to the archeology in the city contributing to its valorization and dissemination.

Regional Northern Culture Directorate commitment to approximate their public to the cultural reality of the north of the country. It is with this purpose that the Northern Regional Directorate of Culture develops its activity in order to safeguard, preserve, restore and communicate – to different types of audience – the values of existing tangible and intangible culture in the region.

Conímbriga is one of the largest Roman settlements excavated in Portugal, and was classified as a National Monument in 1910. Located in the civil parish of Condeixa-a-Velha e Condeixa-a-Nova, in the municipality of Condeixa-a-Nova, it is situated 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) from the municipal seat and 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) from Coimbra (the Roman town of Aeminium).

Civil Protection Setubal, Local public entity based in Setúbal which is responsible for the coordination of relief and assistance actions in the event of major accidents, catastrophes or public calamity; Its main objectives are: to prevent the collective risks inherent in major accidents or catastrophes resulting therefrom and to mitigate their effects; to protect cultural and environmental assets and values of high public interest, to help and assist people and other living things in danger, and to support the restoration of the normal life of people in areas affected by major accidents or catastrophes.

Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil (ANPC), The National Civil Protection Authority was created in 2007, replacing the National Fire Protection and Civil Protection Service which resulted from the merger of the National Civil Protection Service, the National Fire Service and the National Specialized Firefighting Commission. In 2012, the ANPC saw its tasks expanded when the National Civil Emergency Planning Council (CNPCE) was merged, integrating its respective powers into this Authority and, in 2014, following the EMA’s termination process, it was also assigned in the area of ​​management of air assets belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja), Superior School of Management and Technology (ESTIG), Superior School of Technology and Management, and abbreviated also called ESTIG, is a public school of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, and abbreviated also known as Polytechnic Institute of Beja, directed towards the scientific, technical and cultural training, being responsible for teaching the preparation of highly qualified professionals and activities promote the development of the region in which falls within the scope of the technologies , of engineering, humanities and management.

We will release soon a summary of outcomes.