Ephesus (Izmir, Turkey)

Construction time
- Ancient history (3rd century BC) (Great Theatre)
Ancient city of Ephesus was originally constructed as a harbour city. The city was partially destroyed by an earthquake in 614 AD. The city’s importance as a commercial centre declined as the harbour was slowly silted up by the Kaistros river. In the past the city was exposed to inundation, and erosion. It is under continuous exposure to human made and natural hazards. The structures need to be strengthened against seismic hazard.
In the context of STORM, a seismic hazard assessment for the site is performed. A detailed numerical 3D solid model of the structure is generated using 3D laser point clouds provided from radar measurements. Structural performance of the structure are assessed to detect possible weaknesses or damage initiation location. The structural model accounts for the effects of climate change, temperature, humidity and human related hazards. Material and geometric properties of the construction elements will be changed to account for such effects, which possibly caused degradation of materials or loss of construction elements due to environmental or human related hazards, in time. Innovative, applicable and reversible retrofit schemes will be suggested to prevent further (progressive) damage and to improve the seismic performance of structure in future.
The inclusion of the site in the STORM trials allows the assessment of existing seismic risk of the site including the effects of other natural and through the use of STORM results, identify the structural weaknesses to be used in risk mitigation for further studies.