
The overall planning approach and strategy relies on the following milestones:

  1. MS1 (Month 12): Overall STORM fundamentals: Achievements: first analysis of the fundamentals needs, methodologies, policies, system specs and innovation strategy.
  2. MS2 (Month 18): First prototype complete: Achievements: a first fully working, albeit functionally more limited version of the overall STORM solutions will be ready, launching of the STORM community.
  3. MS3 (Month 24): In field evaluation of first prototype complete: Achievements: 1st phase of the trials started. Final innovation strategy, sustainability model and first version of the training plan.
  4. MS4 (Month 28) Second and final fully working, functionally complete version of the overall STORM solutions ready: Achievements: Advanced integrated trials.
  5. MS5 (Month 32): In field evaluation of first prototype: Achievements: 2° phase of the trials completed including recommendations for government policies.
  6. MS6 (Month 36): Project complete: Achievements: completion of all activities included dissemination, business planning, and policy recommendations.