STORM Project


On 16th of February 2019, an eathquake drill was performed at the Great Theater of the Ephesus Antique city. 89 people including Bogazici University STORM Team, staff of Ephesus Museum Directorate, GEA Search and Rescue Team and ICOMOS-ICORPTurkey specialists actively participated in the drill.

 Scenario: stones at the entrance wall of the theater fall down due to a strong vibration, exit is blocked. People are trapped and injured under and/or between stones. An artifact fall down on an injured person.
A warning message is sent from the sensors to site manager by e-mail. Staff at the site inform the manager about the injury/damage. Mananger and staff move to site.
At the same time theater is evacuated by security staff using predefined safe routes and visitors assemble at the meeting place ‘Agora’.
6 injured people are rescued by SAR team.
Fallen stones and a broken artifact at the theater are reported and first aid to artifact is done by ICOMOS-Icorp Turkey specialists.Further recommendations on how to stablize the entrance wall is given.
Artifacts are removed from the area to a safe place. 

The drill is completed in 4 hours.