STORM Project

Forest fire response tested in the Roman Ruins of Troia

The response to forest fires was tested in the Roman Ruins of Troia on the past 17th of April. The simulacrum aimed to test the self – protection measures of the site and the response of the civil protection authorities (National Republican Guard – GNR, Setúbal District Relief Operations Command – CDOS, Mixed Firemen of Grândola – BMG, and Municipal Service of Civil Protection of Grândola – SMPC), as well as the operability of the Troia Special Intervention Plan, in a scenario of forest fire that reaches the Roman Ruins of Troia on a day of opening to the public, resulting in serious injuries.

All the civil protection authorities’ responded in the appropriate mode to this forest fire scenario caused by dry thunder storm. Besides some damages in the site infrastructures, this emergency situation caused two injured, one of them with suspected trauma of vertebral column which led to his immobilization and evacuation.  The first emergency response was given by the Troiaresort security team and the first civil protection authority to arrive at the scene was Troia GNR. The operations command was assured by the GNR until the arrival of the Grândola firefighters, who took the command from that moment. Grândola firefighters responded to the forest fire and to the injured visitors, while the Grândola SMPC responded to the support to relief operations, ensured the coordination of external means, as well as the support to the victims.

This drill was made like a real occurrence and all the operations took place under the supervision and with the communication emergency channels of CDOS. The drill was closely followed by observers of the Portuguese Armed Forces, Maritime Authority, other firefighters companies and other entities with interests in Troia.

The exercise was a success and allowed the possibility to detect improvement measures. The drill took place under the STORM project scope and it was the first of the two schedule drills for 2018.

Fig. 1 – Grândola firefighters in the aftermath of forest fire inside the Roman Ruins of Troia.

Fig. 2 – Firefighters of Grândola doing the immobilization of the severe injured, with the assistance of the Troiaresort medical team and the support of the National Republican Guard.


Municipal Service of Civil Protection of Grândola