Deliverable (number) Deliverable name Work package number Dissemination level Delivery date
D1.1 D1.1 – Current practice for management and conservation of Cultural Heritage –  1 PU M09
D1.2.1 Non-invasive and non-destructive methods of surveying and diagnosis 1 PU M12
D1.2.2 Non-invasive and non-destructive methods of surveying and diagnosis 1 PU M36
D1.3.1 Cost effective conservation and restoration methods 1 PU M12
D1.3.2 Cost effective conservation and restoration methods 1 PU M36
D1.4.1 Quick damage assessment methods 1 PU M12
D1.4.2 Quick damage assessment methods 1 PU M36
D2.1 D2.1 State of the art policies –  2 PU M06
D2.2 Safeguard of cultural heritage recommendations in government policies 2 PU M32
D3.1 D3.1 – STORM use cases and scenarios –  3 PU M09
D3.2 System and User Requirements 3 PU M12
D3.3 System Architecture 3 PU M15
D4.1 Report on the results of application of the ground-based and close range sensing devices 4 PU M23
D4.2 Operational software extractors from all major SN (explicit crowd sensing) 4 PU M24
D4.3 Report about capabilities of the implicit crowd sensing: screening 4 PU M24
D4.4 Sensor data collection and representation framework 4 PU M22
D5.1 Risk Management methodology guideline 5 PU M18
D5.2 Risk Management tool 5 PU M20
D5.3 Risk Management guidelines 5 PU M24
D6.1 D6.1 – STORM Models for the Content Management –  6 PU M09
D6.2 Report on Information Fusion Techniques 6 PU M18
D6.3 Event Stream Real Time Analysis for Situation Awareness 6 PU M24
D6.4 Monitoring Services for Damages and Threats Detection 6 PU M30
D6.5 Surveying and Diagnosis services 6 PU M30
D6.6 Damage Assessment and Decision Support Services 6 PU M30
D6.7 Integrated Solution for Situational Awareness and Decision Support 6 PU M30
D7.1 Collaboration and knowledge-sharing infrastructure definition 7 PU M18
D7.2 Definition of kowldege-sharing tools 7 PU M15
D7.3 Implementation of the collaboration and knowledge sharing infrastructure and tools 7 PU M32
D7.4 Resilient communication services description 7 PU M15
D7.5 Resilient communication services implementation 7 PU M32
D7.6 Definition of crowdsourcing services and apps for crisis management 7 PU M15
D7.7 Crowdsourcing services and apps development 7 PU M32
D7.8 Functional easy-to-use Web-GIS interface 7 PU M15
D7.9 Web-GIS interface implementation 7 PU M32
D8.1 STORM integration planning 8 PU M15
D8.2 Cloud based infrastructure definition 8 PU M20
D8.3 Cloud base infrastructure implementation 8 PU M26
D8.4 Data analytics specification 8 PU M26
D8.5.1 Platform integration, testing and deployment V1 8 PU M25
D8.5.2 Platform integration, testing and deployment V2 8 PU M32
D9.1 STORM Experimental Scenarios Definition and planning 9 PU M24
D9.2.1 Experiment Journal 9 PU M24
D9.2.2 Experiment Journal 9 PU M36
D9.3 STORM Assessment and Validation Report 9 PU M36
D10.1 D10.1 Dissemination Plan –  10 PU M06
D10.2 Report on Dissemination activities v1 10 PU M18
D10.3 Report on Dissemination activities v2 10 PU M36
D10.4 Stakeholders Group Report v1 10 PU M18
D10.5 Stakeholders Group Report v1 10 PU M36
D10.6.1 Training plan v1 10 PU M24
D10.6.2 Training plan v2 10 PU M32
D10.7 Training implementation report 10 PU M36
D11.1 Project viability analysis –  11 PU M12
D11.2 Innovation Strategy plan –  11 PU M12
D11.2 (v2) Innovation Strategy plan v2 (not contractual) 11 PU M24
D11.3 Sustainability model  11  PU  M24
D11.4.1 Exploitation and Business plan v1 11 PU M18
D11.4.2 Exploitation and Business plan v2 11 PU M36
D12.1 D12.1 Quality Plan 12 CO M03
D12.2 D12.2 management WebSite 12 CO M03
D12.3 D12.3 Data Management Plan 12 CO M06
D12.4.1 D12.4-First Progress Report 12 CO M12
D12.4.2 Periodic Reports 12 CO M24
D12.4.3 Periodic Reports 12 CO M36