STORM Project

Network Nodes Set-up in the STORM Italian pilot site (Baths of Dioclethian, Rome)

The ENGINEERING team installed the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) nodes in the STORM Italian pilot site, Baths of Dioclethian in Rome, between 19th and 21st of February. With the support of the staff of the Special Superintendence for the Colosseum, the National Roman Museum and the Archaeological Area of Rome, the most suitable points to host the WSN nodes have been identified, in terms of reachability and impact.

The WSN consists of three OEM-type WASPMOTE Libelium and two pre-assembled Plug & Sense based on WASPMOTE: Smart Agricolture PRO, Smart Cities PRO (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Plug&Sense Smart Agricolture PRO (left), Smart Cities PRO (right)

Each Plug & Sense is equipped with sensors, selected from the available ones.

The WASPMOTEs have been assembled according to the domain experts requirements. Each WASPMOTE has been inserted in a weatherproof junction box (IP67) for outdoor use. Inside the box, in addition to the board, the selected battery and sensors have been installed. Three nodes, each equipped with sensors, have been assembled. More in details:

Figure 2: Gases Sensor Node   Figure 3: Gases sensor board with installed sensors

Figure 4: Environmental Node  Figure 5: Radiation Shield with DHT22 Figure 6: DHT 22


Figure 7: Acoustic Noise Node Figure 8: Sound Detector

To sum up, five nodes and a Meshlium router (Figure 9) have been installed. The MESHLIUM router is a mini pc that runs a Linux operating system for hardware management. It acts as a gateway for the nodes and offers an Internet connection through WiFi to all devices in the coverage area. Through the 4G module, the router forwards the information coming from the various nodes to the Cloud ENGINEERING Edge where SENTILO (, a management software for the storage of the received measurements, is installed and configured (Figure 10).


 Figure 9: Router/Gateway MESHLIUM

Figure 10: Router/Gateway MESHLIUM information flow through 4G module


The following map shows the installations:

Figure 11: Installations Map


The following figures show each installation in details:

  1. Weather Station (Figure 12)
  2. Environmental Node (Figure 13)
  3. Smart Cities PRO (Figure 14)
  4. Acoustic Noise Node (Figure 15)
  5. Gases Sensor Node (Figure 16)

M.  Meshlium (Figure 17)


        Figure 12: Weather Station Figure 13: Environmental Node to monitor temperature and soil humidity inserted in a Radiation Shield and equipped with a microphone to detect environmental noise (Michelangelo Cloister).

Figure 14: Smart Cities installed near the road to monitor environmental pollution.

Figure 15: AcousticNoise, installed near the road to monitor acoustic pollution.

Figure 16: Gases Sensor Node to monitor environmental pollution in the Diocletian Baths near the Michelangelo Cloister. Figure 17: Router/Gateway MESHLIUM

Each node is equipped with a XBee 868LP communication module, a battery and a solar panel (Figure 18 and Figure 19).

Figure 18: Plug&Sense Smart Cities equipped with solar panel and sensors Figure 19: Waspmote Gases Sensor Node assembled in an airtight box with a solar panel