STORM Project

Participation of DGPC in the International Conference “Cultural Heritage: Disaster: Preparedness, Response and Recovery”

On November 3rd and 4th 2016, STORM, through the DGPC, attended the International Conference “Cultural Heritage: Disaster Prevention, Response and Recovery” that took place in Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and was organized in cooperation with the National Coach Museum.

The Conference aimed to promote the debate and the sharing of experiences about the current situation regarding prevention policies for the protection of cultural assets in emergency situations. It was attended by international experts from several fields of expertise, who addressed issues such as risk analysis and management, the effects of catastrophes at a medium and long term future, as well as the methods and techniques used, or that could be used, in order to safeguard and preserve cultural heritage.

Since STORM purposes meet the theme of the conference it was considered that this occasion would be an excellent opportunity to disseminate the Project. In this way DGPC, with the support of the other STORM partners, prepared a poster dedicated to it, which presents the established goals, the countries involved, as well as the methodological approach, with its different areas of action, and the kind of results to be expected.