International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (International Governmental Organisation)

ICCROM is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the conservation of cultural heritage. Its members are individual states, which have declared their adhesion to it. It exists to serve the international community as represented by its Member States, which currently number 134.

It is the only institution of its kind with a worldwide mandate to promote the conservation of all types of cultural heritage, both movable and immovable.

ICCROM aims at improving the quality of conservation practice as well as raising awareness about the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

ICCROM contributes to preserving cultural heritage in the world today and for the future through five main areas of activity Training, Information, Research, Cooperation and Advocacy

ICCROM main Activities are:

  • Training: ICCROM contributes to conservation training by developing new educational tools and materials, and organizing professional training activities around the world. Since 1966, ICCROM’s courses have involved over 6,600 professionals.
  • Information: ICCROM has one of the world’s leading conservation libraries. The catalogue contains over 100,000 entries relating to books, reports and specialized journals in more than 60 languages. ICCROM also has a collection of over 17,000 images. In addition, this website offers comprehensive information on international events and training opportunities in the field of conservation-restoration.
  • Research: ICCROM organizes and coordinates meetings to devise common approaches and methodologies and to promote the definition of internationally agreed ethics, criteria and technical standards for conservation practice. The ICCROM Laboratory is both a resource and reference point for conservation experts.
  • Cooperation: All ICCROM activities involve institutional and professional partners. Cooperation is provided in the form of technical advice, collaborative visits, and education and training.
  • Advocacy: ICCROM disseminates teaching materials and organizes workshops and other activities to raise public awareness and support for conservation.

Role in the Project

ICCROM is a very relevant actor for STORM. ICCROM declare to identify opportune synergies with STORM activities. They will also support the building up of the STORM Community involving relevant stakeholders from their associated Member State (134), and will give suggestions and advices on the STORM objectives and activities. Their involvement in STORM will guarantee a wide visibility of the project out come and this will foster the sustainability of the STORM solutions after the project ends.