Kpeople (UK)

Established in 1998, is specialized in Grants and Innovation Management, providing support services to private and public organizations in innovation processes, technology transfer, and funding for research, development and innovation.
One of the most active sectors in Kpeople organization is the Public Sector Healthcare, which witnesses the strategic attention of the company toward PA related issues, with the ambition of promoting a new thinking in Public Sector in approaches such as: co-decision making in healthcare, social innovation, patient’s empowerment and qualitative evaluation methodology.
Kpeople consultants are actives in three European Countries on serving mainly public sector clients. It offers integrated services from strategic consulting, to applications development and outsourcing.
The growth of the company can be attributed to a unique combination of services, based on profound insight in research, innovation and funding strategies, up-to-date knowledge and nearly 25 years expertise with more than ten funding programmes in most EU countries.
STORM is for Kpeople a very interesting opportunity to leverage on the competencies and experiences to apply the newest approach of improving the resilience to natural hazards disaster in cultural heritage capitalising the experience done in emergency management during previous projects. Being a consultancy partner that has developed and owns the skills and the expertise to support emergency management policies the present project gives to Kpeople a competitive advantage and a status of privileged partner in supporting cultural heritage authorities in Europe.
Role in the Project
Kpeople has the proven capability to link innovation suppliers and adopters from a unique Europe- wide client network in multiple sectors, using advanced methodologies and proprietary on-line networking.
Therefore, Kpeople as a SME expert in Innovation, business and marketing consulting will lead the WP10 Dissemination and training and WP11 Innovation and Business planning.