Ministero dell’Interno – Corpo Nazionale Vigili del Fuoco (IT)

Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco

The Ministero dell’Interno – Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, del Soccorso Pubblico e della Difesa Civile (Ministry of Interior – Department of Fire Corps, Public Rescue and Civil Defence) deals with the organisation and the provision of services concerning prevention, rescue and relief activities in case of natural calamities or technological disasters. It also covers all relevant administrative and management aspects.

The Department is particularly active in two homogeneous and interconnected sectors: the Italian National Fire Corps and Civil Protection – in close co-operation with the National Civil Protection Department within the Prime Minister’s Office. The Italian National Fire Corps is in charge of the protection of human life and the safeguard of property, environment from damages or potential damages caused by fire, explosion and other accidents, as well as from major industrial risks, including nuclear ones. In particular, the Italian National Fire Corps carries out the following tasks: (i) fire prevention and extinction and – in general – all emergency technical operations for the protection of human life and property; (ii) fire rescue in main national civil airports and harbours; (iii) training and deployment of units for the safeguard of civil population in case of natural disasters or war. In its area, the Italian National Fire Corps performs activities mainly belonging to the first point.

To give some figures, during the year 2013 some 33.000 professionals of the Italian National Fire Corps in force in 545 HQs and Fire Stations carried out 702.112 interventions, while its prevention activity was focussed on the examination of 121.738 technical projects and the surveillance at 55.202 sites. The Italian National Fire Corps has his own fleet of 40 helicopters, 2 aeroplanes distributed over 12 bases and manages, for the needs of the forest fires activity, a fleet of 18 Canadairs.

Role in the Project

CVNN as rescue organisation will play a major role in the trial operations. Within STORM they will mainly contribute in WP1 Fundamentals, Methodologies, and Processes, WP2 Recommendations for Policies and Government processes (they as part pf the Ministry of the Internal Affairs has a great role for the Policies definition), WP5 Risk Management and hazard mitigation tools, WP9 Experiments, validation and assessment of results. They will also lead T10.4 Training Plan and Implementation.