University of West Attica (GR)

The Dept of Electronics Engineering of Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (TEIP), continues a long tradition in quality education and research on electronics dating back to the first superior education schools in Greece (1947), with a 4-years curriculum, yearly enrolment of 120 undergraduate students and participation in two MSc courses. The Department scope of activities covers electronics engineering and related application fields, such as electronic devices and systems design and development at various scales of integration, (tele)communications in general, industrial and power electronics and automations, DSP and audio engineering, as well as Computer Networks and Internet Applications. The academic personnel of 22 professors is supported by four technicians and four administrative staff members, and a number of local or exchange students and co-supervised PhD students, actively involved in R&D projects.
Role in the Project
TEIP will have an active involvement in the scientific coordination of the proposal, being responsible for checking the scientific quality of results and leading the dissemination effort on the scientific dissemination. The prior expertise of the scientific leader of the research of TEIP team (Dr. Patrikakis) in previous projects so far (scientific responsible for FP7 and H2020 projects), and the success in organizing conferences, workshops and demos in large conferences.
On technical level, the expertise on leading tasks and workpackages on requirements capturing, specifications identification and architecture design will also be in leading the corresponding use cases, specifications and architecture definition WP of STORM. The particular expertise of the TEIP team in the design and development of applications and web services (with emphasis on mobile devices) and on IoT and device communications over the internet will be used in the context of involvement in tasks focusing on ground based sensor implementation, sensor communication protocols and data-knowledge representation schemes and processing, as well as crowdsensing. The expertise on the above fields is presented in publications, student work, ongoing work on platforms and past project expertise, and can be found in the web site of the Electronics Engineering department ( and in the web site of the Computer Networks & Services Research Team of the Communications & Networks Lab (
Furthermore, the support of the cloud based solution of STORM will be based on the Openstack implementation available in TEIP, which will be enhanced, so as to meet the needs of the project, as well as the implementation and deployment of STORM system services over it.
Finally, especially for the implementation of sensor solutions for natural hazards monitoring, TEIP will be responsible for the audio monitoring, based on a wireless acoustic sensor network (WASN). TEIP has significant expertise on the fields of wireless networks, smart sensors, audio signal processing, feature extraction and classification. A project for environmental monitoring (E-Soundmaps) through WASNs carried out solely by TEIP is almost complete, while TEIP is currently participating in a greenhouse monitoring project (BriteGreenhouse) through WSNs. TEIP will built upon the know-how it has accumulated, also extending the scope of the WASN already design and developed.