Università della Tuscia (IT)

The University of Tuscia is based in Viterbo, in the centre of Italy, and was founded in 1979. It has more than 600 employees, with almost 300 professors and researchers. It is a research university offering educational programs with Bachelor and Master of Science (MSc) degrees, and Ph.D. programs, and competitive research in areas related to agriculture, engineering, business and economics, political science, cultural heritage, life sciences, and biotechnology. Currently it hosts more than 10,000 students in seven departments (DAFNE, DEB, DEIM, DIBAF, DISBEC, DISTU, DISUCOM). The heritage Conservation group involved in the study of materials of work of art and archaeology and support the conservation of the artefacts. The Laboratory LABDIAC supports all research especially in the field of conservation science which can be considered a discipline involved in the characterization of the constituent materials and production techniques of cultural heritage objects, the study and understanding of decay processes, and the study and evaluation of conservation products and techniques. The LABDIAC has an extensive experience in the development and design of innovative materials and methodologies for conservation and restoration in particular for situations of seismic risk or danger of collapse. The LABDIAC usually employs both non-invasive and micro invasive techniques. The non-invasive methodologies are generally performed directly in situ, whereas the micro invasive analyses are applied on micro fragments sampled from the artefacts in order to obtain more and deeper information that those gathered from the in situ investigations.

Role in the Project

TUSCIA is the Leader of WP1 Fundamentals, Methodologies, and Processes and it will contribute to:

  • Provide innovative, methodologies, practices and software tools for more reliable maintenance quick restoration and long-term conservation of the Cultural Heritage assets, preserving their historic and cultural integrity. These products, methodologies and practices will be put in line with the needs and requirements of the governmental organisations and other potential end users at all levels, from local to international.
  • Production and testing of materials for reduce effect and participation in demo tests and/or dissemination events in Italy, TUSCIA has extensive experience and expertise in assessment for conservation and restoration in operation of complex situation as risks for water, earthquake, climate changes.
  • Provision of innovative, methodologies, practices and software tools for more reliable maintenance quick restoration and long-term conservation of the Cultural Heritage assets, preserving their historic and cultural integrity. Through measurements of characteristics of materials of work of art and testing compatible products related to state of conservation trend. All properties of materials will be checked as changing in colour, mechanical strength, distribution inside the pictorial layers, interaction with environmental factors and evaluate risk for the feature.
  • Activity related to the construction of a controlled and verified intervention protocol for an accurate and constantly updated conservation, preservation and valorisation of individuated sites under risk. These protocol will be used in laboratory assessment and experimented in site for evaluate the real possibility to use in situation of risk.

Moreover, TUSCIA together will ENGINEERING and RESILTECH will support SSCOL for the implementation of the Italian Trial.