STORM Project

Pilot site progress and achievements in the first period of STORM Project

In the first period of STORM Project and after the definition of the use case scenarios and work done on risk assessment at the Roman Ruins of Tróia, it was time to start installing the tools for damage assessment.

In the case of Tróia, there is a meteorological station 1km from the site that has been collecting data for 10 years, and, for greater accuracy, a second one is now being installed at the site, providing permanent data on the weather conditions. The weather station has been bought and temporarily installed near the pre-existing weather station for inter-calibration (fig. 1).  It stayed there from September 14th until October 19th. It has been taken by INOV to the laboratory for parametrization before the installation in its final location.

Fig. 1. Temporary installation of the weather station.

Meanwhile the conditions have been created at the site, in terms of electricity and internet for the deployment of the weather station. A solar panel has been bought and installed on August 29th (fig. 2), the communications equipment was installed in the ticket office and the internet connection has been established October 19th. It consists of a Wi-Fi point-to-point link to a ISP gateway and a 3G/4G redundant link.

Fig. 2. Solar panel installed in the ticket office.

So far, regarding photogrammetry, besides the first surveys performed during the first month of the STORM project, RRT-01 and RRT-03, all of the fish-salting workshops have had a second survey during an archaeological campaign with the University of Marburg in September 2017.

Two members of the Troia team attended the formation on photogrammetry offered by FORTH in Rethymno in July and most of the equipment has been acquired (computer and  cameras) and the software (AGISOFT PHOTOSCAN) has been ordered.

Finally, the raman (non-elastic scattering) spectroscopy and induced fluorescence spectroscopy developed by INOV for early detection of biological contamination began to be tested on the wall paintings of the Basilica. The first monitoring tests have been performed in August and September.

A crowdsensing mobile application, in the model of a game, has been proposed to ENG in August and proposed again in the present month of October.

These technologies correspond to the non-invasive and non-destructive methods to pursue the diagnosis and surveillance necessary to mitigate damage on the use case scenarios chosen for the Roman Ruins of Tróia pilot site.