Please complete our survey STORM after exercises Survey H2020 STORM project achieved its mature phase: exercises are running in all pilot sites and it is now time to involve you in the definition or our future strategy after the project end.This questionnaire is different from previous ones because for the first time we are going to ask you what you would like to do with STORM outcomes and how we can facilitate your choices in terms of project outcomes use.The project team will be grateful to you for filling this questionnaire and let us better understand your needs. Thanks for your collaboration.The STORM team In the following field please provide the name of your organisation* Category* Small or Medium Enterprise Large Company Professional Site Owner Authority First Responders Research Education other Please indicate in the following list which deliverables you had the chance to download. Download of deliverable is available in the document section of this website. D1.1 - Current practice for management and conservation of Cultural Heritage D1.2 - Non-invasive and non-destructive methods of surveying and diagnosis D1.3 - Cost effective conservation and restoration methods D1.4 - Quick damage assessment methods D2.1 - State of the art policies D3.1 - STORM use cases and scenarios D3.2 - System and User Requirements D3.3 - System Architecture D5.1 - Risk Assessment and Management D5.2 - STORM Risk Management tool D5.3 - Risk Management Guidelines D6.1 - STORM Models for the Content Management D6.2 - STORM Report on Information Fusion Techniques D6.3 - STORM Event Stream Real Time Analysis for Situation Awareness D6.5 - Surveying and Diagnosis Services D6.6 - STORM Damage Assessment and Decision Support Services D7.1 - Collaboration and knowledge-sharing infrastructure definition D7.2 - Definition of knowledge-sharing tools_final D7.4 - Resilient communication services description D7.5 - Resilient communication services implementation D7.6 - Definition of crowdsourcing services and apps for crisis management D7.8 - Functional easy-to-use Web-GIS interface D8.1 - STORM Integration Planning D8.4 - Data analytics specification D8.3 - Cloud based infrastructure implementation D8.5 - Platform integration, testing and deployment D10.1 - Dissemination Plan D10.2 - Report on Dissemination activities v1 D10.4 - Stakeholders Group Report v1 D11.1 - Project viability analysis D11.2 - Innovation Strategy Plan D4.1 - Report on the results of application of the ground-based sensors D4.2 - Operational software extractors from all major SN (explicit crowd sensing) D4.3 - Report about capabilities of implicit crowdsensing - screening D4.4 - Sensor data collection and representation framework D6.3 - STORM Event Stream Real Time Analysis for Situation Awareness D8.2 - Cloud_based_infrastructure_definition D8.3 - Cloud based infrastructure implementation D8.5 - Platform integration, testing and deployment D9.1- Experimental scenarios definition and planning_v1.0.docx D10.6 - Training Plan D11.3 - Sustainability Model Please provide a comment of STORM outcomes and explain how they could be useful for your organisation. They could be a baseline for further research , support your site/institution to better address climate change or facilitate new services for your customers.* In the case you could be interested to run a pilot in your site or in one of your locations (if you are an authority), how much you could invest to start a pilot including first bunch of sensors, strategy definition and the training needed to use the platform with a package of 5 survey in a year.* € 3000 + travel expenses € 5000 + travel expenses € 8000 + travel expenses > € 10.000 Not applicable Please identify the main three sudden and slow hazards which could affect your site and explain if you have a clear mind of thresholds which could represent a danger for your site when one of those hazards occurs. Who do you think is the preferred proposer for STORM services to be used in your organisation, please specify also reason why you made that choice. SubmitReset