STORM Project

Sensors and weather stations to be installed on the UK pilot site by mid December

After successful session and great attendance at Troia STORM meeting of EU partners from Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Italy and UK the next meeting will be held at UK pilot site in Mellor near Manchester.

STORM partners will gather on the 15th and 16th December in Roman Lakes, Stockport to give their input and ideas for Mellor Heritage. Meantime, UK Node partners met to discuss where to install the equipment.


The already existing technology must be integrated into a system with an environmental framework that allows sensors to monitor the site and send real-time data to a server. This online site will allow access to all sensitive data through a dashboard and alert mechanism to the site managers and or key intervention stakeholders via a mobile app.


After consideration of tools needed for the site, it was decided that it requires weather stations, UAVs with LiDAR, laser scanner with a multispectral camera and environmental sensing kit.

Our Integrated Sensor Suite weather station combines the rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors and anemometer. At the Mill site, the weather station will be placed at the side of the mill. At the Vicarage site, the weather station is to be placed in the triangular field and fixed the same way as at the Mill site. The position of sensors is yet to be determined.

We are also using sensors with light measurement capability on the site and aerial drone photography to monitor the change in the landscape.