STORM Project

Slow hazard prevention prucedures started to be experimented at Dioclethian Baths


Biocides at the BoD Pilot Site

On October the 8th 2018, in the Michelangelo’s Cloister garden, in the framework of Prevention pilot of STORM project, some experiments were carried out for the treatment of bio-deteriogens through the use of innovative, eco-friendly substances based on  natural or bacterial origin. These testing have the aim of identifying, among the eco-friendly technologies, the most effective ones for the treatment of biological growth that afflicts this area and doing so propose an effective mitigation effects.

First of all, the photographic documentation of the object to be treated was carried out: an altar present in the cloister, strongly affected by biological growth. After that, the observation by the use of the microscope was made: photographs of the samples every 5 cm on the whole surface to be treated were taken.

After the documentation and observation phases, a levy of the materials was carried out using a sterile scalpel. The samples taken will be analysed in the laboratory in order to know with certainty the type of biological attack in progress.



The surface was then divided into 11 areas, 6-7 cm each, about 2,5 cm apart. In each of these areas a different compound was applied.

The biocides used are:

Bio Z: emulsifier applied in two ways, with paper pulp and incorporated in gel

Liq: 3% liquorice leaf extract applied in two ways, with paper pulp and incorporated in gel

NapalCap: mucilage of Opuntia (prickly pear) applied in two ways, with paper pulp and incorporated in gel

SME1.11: bacterium incorporated in gel

Mix: essential oil of cinnamon applied with paper pulp

B-: demineralized water applied with paper pulp

B +: Benzalkonium applied with paper pulp


After these applications, the treated surface has been covered with film and aluminum foil, in order to isolate it from UV rays and water, in case of rain.


The treatment must remain in place for a week; after that period the samples can be cleaned and the biocides effectiveness will be detected.


Soon other news related to the evaluation of effectiveness.