STORM Project

SMEM: expectation and challenges workshop – 17th November 2016, Rome

On November 17th was held in Rome the workshop “SMEM2016”, organized  by the CNVVF. The workshop “SMEM: expectation and challenges” on the use of social networks and social media in emergency took place at the Fire Academy (Istituto Superiore Antincendi) in Rome. The workshop is co-funded by the EU R&D projects IDIRA and AF3, participated by the Ministero dell’Interno, Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, del Soccorso Pubblico e della Difesa Civile.

The aim of the workshop is to analyse the practical use of social networks in the emergency domain, still limited and not regulated. In particular, the workshop will cover the use of social media to enable Control Centres in gathering data, information, alerts and requests for help sent by citizens in emergency situations using social networks. The progressive use of Social Media in Emergencies and as an additional communication channel for a better service to citizens, challenges and opportunities created.

Experts representing AgID (Digital Italy Agency), EENA (European Emergency Number Association), JRC (European Commission Joint Research Center) have been invited to discuss the challenge, together with Head of the “Unit for safeguarding secure society” of the REA (European Commission Research Executive Agency). The workshop will also allow offer the experience and valuable comments of experts in innovation for emergency control centres, including a presentation by the Public Policy Manager of Twitter. The event had a wide appeal gathering about 150 people in the hall and 1500 in live streaming. Moreover, the event, has given a great contribute to the STORM dissemination, since the use of SNs during the emergencies should be considered an importanti part of our effort.

More information at the following link:



9:00 Opening – Welcome by National Fire Fighters, Public Rescue and Civil Defense Department Authorities

Session 1 (chairman S.Marsella – CNVVF)

09:30 G. Romano (CNVVF) – Introduction

10:00 P. Putti (GME) – Social Media in Emergency Management: legal challenges

10:20 A. Marino (REA) – Social Media in a safer Europe: expectations and outlook in the next years

10:40 A. Galliano (JRC) – Use and relevance of Social Media for the EC Civil Protection Mechanism


 Session 2 (chairman U.Delprato – IES)

11:30 T. Tarantino (Twitter) – Lessons learnt and how to get the most from Twitter in Emergency Management

12:00 G. Machado (EENA) – Social Media: an additional communication channel for a better service to citizens

12:30 M. Draoli (AGID) – Digital Italy: the role of Social Media in early warning

12:50 Panel (all speakers) and discussion, chaired by U.Delprato (IES)

13:20 G. Parisi (CNVVF) – Closing remarks

13:30 End of the workshop


[CNVVF=Italian Fire Corps, GME=Electric Market Agency, REA=Research Executive Agency, JRC=Joint Research Center, IES=Intelligence for Environment & Security – IES Solutions, EENA=European Emergency Number Association, AGID=Agency for Digital Italy]