STORM Project

STORM event in Venaria



On May the 26th an event dedicated to disseminate and discuss STORM objectives and its achievements, took place in Venaria, close to Turin.

Attendees were professors, cultural heritage officers, students, professional and SMEs representatives. Current project achievement have been presented as well as the planned first edition of STORM “summer school”.

Now the idea is to replicate the event in other academic environment to collect opinions and suggestions as it happened in Venaria.

Presentations (Italian)

 Silvia Boi (ENG)                                           Stefano Trucco (CRV)

 Ulderico Santamaria (TUSCIA)      Maria Concetta Capua (NCRS)

 Davide Pozzi (CNVVF)                            Gabriele Giunta (ENG)

Francesca Boldrighini (SSCOL)

 Lorenzo Appolonia (CRV)                   Maria Teresa Jaquinta (ICCROM)

 Fabio Perossini (KP)