STORM Project

STORM was present on the European Researchers’ Night

On September 28th, another edition of the European Researchers’ Night was held at the Museum of Natural History and at the Príncipe Real Garden in Lisbon. This event, that had its first edition in 2005, is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Curie Actions and aims to foster contact between researchers and the general public by promoting the dissemination of Science. It happens biannually and the present edition gathered approximately 4400 people.
With the motto of ‘Science in the City’, the 2018 edition focused on finding answers to the challenges that cities will face in the coming decades, due to the alterations brought about by global changes, among which the preservation of the cultural heritage is highlighted.
DGPC, TRO, NCRS and INOV were present and, under the spirit of the event, sought to disseminate the work developed within the project and raise public awareness among various age groups. For this purpose, several activities were conducted, such as the demonstration of the Induced Fluorescence Sensor, and different games focused on the identification of the hazards in the project pilot-sites, and on the recognition of monuments affected by disasters (puzzle, “finding the differences”, matching games). Throughout the evening the STORM promotional video was also exhibited and leaflets with information about the project were distributed.
The public was very interested in these activities, requesting information about the project, the state conservation of archaeological sites, and on the actions in progress for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.