STORM Project

Summer School 2017 – 11 – 13 September 2017 – Emergency Management of Cultural Heritage

The first STORM project training activity took place from  10th to 13th  September at the Istituto Superiore Antincendi (ISA) which is the training authority within the Italian National Corp of Fire Brigade CNVVF.

The Summer School goal was to provide basic information about the first year results of the STORM project, The course lectures explored the relationships between climatic change and the risk to Cultural Heritage, the technologies available to predict hazardous events and minimize damages in case of emergency. Five field exercise sessions were organised with specific attention to paper documents damaged by water, emergency operations on collapsing structures and emergency operations on frescoed walls.


Organising Committee

Courses were articulated in three days with vis-a-vis classroom lectures and practical field exercises.


Day One

The first day treated four topics during the morning and a further four in the afternoon with the first field exercise at the end of the morning session.

The schedule was as follows:

  1. Introduction: The STORM project and the risks to cultural heritage associated to climate change

Silvia Boi, ENG and Stefano Marsella, CNVVF


  1. Principles of CH conservation in the safeguard approach

Ulderico Santamaria, UNITUS


  1. Principles of regulations at European and National level for CH safeguard

In charge of the lecture for this theme was Filipa Neto DGPC, Marina Magnani and Francesca Boldrighini SSCOL. The lecture was made by Maria Joao Revez on behalf of the DGPC Representative and by Francesca Boldrighini for SSCOL.


Maria Joao Revez, NCRS

Francesca Boldrighini, SSCOL


  1. Introduction to data collection prior to disaster and damage investigation after the event (how to use quick assessment forms)

Maria Concetta Capua, NCRS


Field exercise – Before the disaster: Data collection (site, area etc.)

NCRS/UNITUS Before the disaster: Data collection (site, area etc.)


The following lectures were given after the lunch break, in the afternoon of the first day:

  1. Understanding Climate change effects to CH safeguard

Ivonne Anders. ZAMG


  1. The STORM systemic proposal for a platform to support cultural heritage safeguard

Charalampos Patrikakis, TEIP/PUAS


  1. How the use of low cost sensors is helping the safeguarding process

This lecture was presented by Prof. Patrikakis Charalampos also.


  1. Adapting DRR to the Heritage Conservation sector: principles, methods and roles

Maria Joao Revez, NCRS


Day Second

The second day had the same format as the first day with four topics during the morning and four in the afternoon. There were two field exercises.  The first at the end of the morning session and the second the end of the afternoon.


The schedule for the day was as follow:


  1. Learn a common language in cultural heritage regulation, objects and operations especially in disaster management phases

Maria Teresa Jaquinta, ICCROM


  1. Floods, Storms, Tides Emergency procedures for CH

Alcides Bizarro & Luis Vital Alexandre, SMPC


  1. Natural Disaster Securing procedures for CH

Andrea Marino, CNVVF


  1. Principles to face environmental risks for CH

Ulderico Santamaria, UNITUS


Field exercise – First Aid for books, papers, photographs and other media in case of flood

SOS Archivi (external stakeholder)


  1. Principles to face fire risks for CH – structural fires

Luca Nassi, CNVVF


  1. Principles to face fire risks for CH – wildland urban interface fires

Stefano Marsella, CNVVF


  1. Principles to face earthquake risks for CH

Eren Uckan, BU

Bulent Akbas, BU


  1. First approach to risk analysis applied to climate change generated threats for CH

Mohamed Ravankhah, USTUTT


Field exercise – The stabilisation of an earthquake-damaged masonry arch

Andrea Marino, CNVVF


Day Third

The last day started with two field exercises followed by two lectures. Afterward there was a final examination  based on multiple choice answers test and a mitigation strategy proposal for a site selected by each student. The school finished with the award of course certificates ceremony.


Field exercise – First aid to damaged fresco



Field exercise – Quick assessment of damaged structures

Armando De Rosa, CNVVF – Leica Geosystems (external stakeholder)


  1. Role and Responsibility in CH safeguard: how to prepare the future

Fabio Perossini, KP


  1. Collecting and exchanging data in emergency

Francesca Boldrighini SSCOL

Marcello Marzoli CNVVF


Final test with evaluation


End of Summer School & Award presentations

A student coming from the Palestinian Fire Brigade delivers a gift in the end of the Summer school

Video summary of the Summer School