STORM Project

Weather data collection and visualization

Archaeological and historic sites all over Europe are vulnerable to damage and destruction from a number of natural and human actions. Sparta, University of Salford and Mellor Archaeological Trust deploy Weather Stations and Sensors based IoT (Internet of Things) technologies to monitor environmental changes and their impact on historic structures, chosen as a pilot site in United Kingdom for project STORM. 

After initial installation of the sensors on the site and its demonstration for STORM partners meeting in Mellor, Stockport, we have now fully completed placing the equipment required for the site. We are currently collecting weather data from 2 different sources and there are 15 Alpha Node-4AAsensors and 3 weather stations monitoring the site. 

The Alpha Node-4AA is an IoT low-power sensor developed by SENSORO  supporting both proximity and long-range communication. It operates as an end device in the IoT-WAN low-power network for long-range sensing, monitoring, and remote device management, with built-in sensors for temperature, humidity, and ambient light. 

From sensor network we’re collecting the following data:

From weather stations, we’re receiving the following:

Our up-to-date activities include historic data exploratory analysis from weather stations in Manchester in order to identify thresholds for alerts and warning systems to be integrated into our dashboard. A data dashboard is in its conception stage and we are yet to settle on an appropriate platform, however some prototypes have been created already. 

The sensor network is monitored daily via a live dashboard and ideas of citizen engagement through the built-in iBeacon technology are emerging.