
The expected duration of the proposed project is 36 months. The STORM schedule adheres to the following criteria:

WP1, WP2 and WP3 start immediately, since they give the introductory conceptual framework for the hardware and software related work packages WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7.

These WPs are started as soon as WP1, WP2 and WP3 begin to provide a coherent framework for setting up their research priorities. This initial phase is expected to last no more than four months.

Staring from month 5 WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7 begin and are carried out largely in parallel, each of them following an iterative approach.

In fact, two main iterations are planned for, and both are integrated by activities of WP8.

Hence, STORM experiments two versions of an incremental, but working, prototype.

WP9 activities also are carried out for both the main iterations.

WP10 and WP11, that deal with dissemination and exploitation of results, need a fairly stable set of results and hence are mainly carried out in the last eight months of the project on the basis of the second and last prototype. However, exploratory activities of the same kind are carried sooner, on a limited scale, on the first prototype version, to gain insight and feedbacks useful to improve the later larger effort.

WP12 is dedicated to the management and coordination of the project including administrative and financial coordination, quality assurance and project management. Quality assurance is guaranteed not only by ENG, the coordinator as far as concerns the overall outcomes, but by TEIP for the scientific quality, KP for the innovation and business aspect and BU for the user point of view.