STORM presented at Roma Museum Exhibition

peross News

During the session held November the 28th H2020 STORM project was presented in the context of Capacities and technologies for the cultural heritage protection discussion that saw the participation of Alessio Re (Secretary General, Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture),   Maria Teresa Iaquinta (member of the staff of the Office of the Director General of ICCROM), Carlo Hruby (Vice President, …

Drill at Mellor Archaeological Trust (UK)

StormAdmin News

On the 28 February 2019 Mellor Archaeological Trust (MAT) ran the first of the UK STORM emergency drill testing the STORM dashboard and response application. A sudden-onset hazard scenario was tested. This took as its premise a severe weather event: Intense Rainfall which could lead to flooding at the Mill site. Having seen the alert system on the STORM dashboard …

STORM @ Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response Master Course organised by University of Turin

StormAdmin News

The first international Master in “Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response” is being launched by the University of Turin. It consists of a training program that expressly addresses, through an interdisciplinary approach, the modalities for intervening on cultural mobile and immovable properties, in emergency and crisis scenarios, with specific reference to the guidelines and protocols expressed by UNESCO and the …

2nd Drill at the Roman Ruins of Troia

StormAdmin News

On February 13th 2019 a drill aiming at testing the operability and response of the solutions and services developed in the scope of STORM (Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management), an international project which is funded by the European Commission and involves 20 partners from 7 different countries, took place in the Roman Ruins of Troia. The …


StormAdmin News

On 16th of February 2019, an eathquake drill was performed at the Great Theater of the Ephesus Antique city. 89 people including Bogazici University STORM Team, staff of Ephesus Museum Directorate, GEA Search and Rescue Team and ICOMOS-ICORPTurkey specialists actively participated in the drill.  Scenario: stones at the entrance wall of the theater fall down due to a strong vibration, exit …

STORM Academy 2019

StormAdmin News

STORM Academy agenda is now available at the following link. Courses will start on January 24th  Subscriptions are opened. For further information and subscription please send an e-mail to Giulia Governatori: [email protected] 

ICORP-ICOMOS visit to Troia Pilot Site

StormAdmin News

On November 13th 2018, Catherine Forbes, Bárbara Mínguez Garcia, Takeyuki Okubo and Kim Dowon from ICORP-ICOMOS visited one of the pilot sites of the STORM project, the Roman Ruins of Troia (Portugal). The visit, conducted by the site manager, Inês Vaz Pinto, presented not only the particular history of the monument, but also the current situation and difficulties, as well …

H2020 STORM at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage 2018

StormAdmin News

The Community of Innovators in Cultural Heritage is an open exchange platform, which gathers innovators, key stakeholders, practitioners, pioneers and social ‘change-makers’ (entrepreneurs, investors, influencers, professors, researchers, etc.) in the field of cultural heritage.   The Fair is the occasion to see how the EU is promoting research & innovation in cultural heritage, fostering creativity and new connections across countries. …

“Shaking adaptation to climate change policies – STORM project as a drive for cultural heritage protection”

StormAdmin News

In the Portuguese digital magazine Pedra & Cal, 64, dedicated to the theme “Climate Change. Prevention & Planning, the DGPC and NCRS STORM team produced an article on the impact of climate change on cultural heritage, presenting the goals and objectives of the STORM Project. Pedra & Cal, published since 1998, is the dissemination magazine of an association of companies …